
Friday, September 9, 2016

I have been learning to write a narrative about the museum.

Night at the museum
By : Teegan ducharme

“Oh my god!” Said Sonic as we walked into the museum`s glamorous doorway. On the left was a corridor with an AMBUSH OF MOAS! Sonic screaming Ahhhhhh! As he was bouncing around the walls of the pitch black corridor. Everyone was staring at  him. When he stopped Sonic said “What?” Me whispering to Sonic “The Moas.” “Oh. Ahhhhhhhhh!” said Sonic “Fue we're safe.” I Said in relief “Do you think we lost them Sonic?” (Didn't get to finish sentence). “Ye...Ahhhhhhh!” “Maybe not!” Me saying as I was risking my life“RUN FOR THE EXIT! I will hold them back,GO! NOW!” there was a Moa blocking the exit. “We're Trapped!” Said Sonic. “What tragedy.” Sonic dabed at the vents. He shouted. “The vents!” “Great idea Sonic.” So me and Sonic climbed through the vents out to the back of the museum and just underneath   are feet were cops. Me and Sonic had to climb back through the vents to the roof and got into a helicopter and then flew away into the velvet orange sky. TO BE CONTINUED...