
Thursday, August 29, 2019

How to make a Kahoot

Hello fellow Bloggers!
I'm back with another exciting post from YMS Rimu Class!
Today's Blog Post is going to be about How to make a Kahoot!

Kahoot is basically a Quiz / Trivia website to let your freedom have
a have a break at hard maths and make a Quiz. (Which also is hard.)

Step 1. Make an Account.
Step 2. Create a new Quiz.
Step 3. With your chosen topic, make questions about it.
Step 4. Once done, press save.
Step 5. Make more!
If you liked this app, please send me some feedback!

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Math is Cool : Home Learning

Do you know how to teach your Parents? That's what I'm here to do! I taught my Father how to Round Decimals to the Nearest 10 or 100. First, I told him that if it's 1 - 4, it gets rounded down to 0. But if it is from 5 - 9, it gets rounded to the nearest tenth or hundred. Then, I gave him an example.
"If you had a number say, 12.34, you would round to 12. But if it was 12.56, you round it to 13." The only challenge I had was the fact my Dad knows everything about Math! If you have any questions about this post, please leave some feedback. Well, That's All I have to say for now! T.J, Out!

Monday, August 26, 2019

A Trip In The Tardis : Home Learning

If you were to take a trip in Dr. Who's Tardis, where and when would you go? Would you go to the future to see upcoming changes, or the past to fix up some bad mistakes? That's what I'm here to talk about. Hmmmm. That's actually a good question. Well, I would go back to when I had $300 and buy a different Lego set. Then I might go to when Trump and Hillary became candidates and vote for Clinton. That's what I would do. But the question is, what would YOU do? I'm interested to know about what you would do so please leave some feedback on this post. Well, That's all for now! T.J, Out!

Friday, August 23, 2019

Our New Novel Study Books!

Hello fellow Bloggers!
I'm back with another exciting post from YMS Rimu Class!
Today's Blog Post is going to be about Our New Novel Study Books!

Have you guys heard of a book called: The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas?
Or maybe: My Sister Lives On The Mantelpiece? Well those are our Novel Study Books.
I'm reading The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas. It's about a kid named Bruno who lives in Berlin
and has to move a house because his father has got a job away from Berlin.
As for Bruno, he finds a fence with people in Striped Pajamas and gets curious of it's contents.

That's all I know at the moment. Keep tuned in to learn more of this exciting book!
If you know about this book, please leave a comment down below.
Well, That's all for now! T.J, Out!

How to order Decimals

Hello fellow Bloggers!
I'm back with another exciting post from YMS Rimu Class!
Today's Blog Post is going to be about How to order Decimals.

This week in Rimu, we are learning how to order Decimals.
Ordering Decimals is when you have a number, for example :
1.234 and then have others like 1.357 and 1.123,
What you do is. Huh? That's actually a pretty smart idea!
Actually why don't I just give you a video to save some time 'eh?

I hope you understand it a bit more now. Anyway, like I said before,
get some random numbers like 1.234 and then have others like 1.357 and 1.123.
Next, examine them and put them in the correct order.
1.123, 1.234, 1.357. See? It's simple! Now what I want you to do is
make up your own ordering of numbers.
Well, if you have any questions, please comment them down bellow.
But That's all for now! T.J, Out!

Friday, August 16, 2019

Our Finished Maths Week Project!

In Rimu class, we have been doing Maths Week again! Maths Week is where we have a series of projects that we can choose to make using the materials that were given to us and construct them for their purposes. Today being the final day of Maths Week, we finally finished our playground. Sure it's not the best but It's probably the best looking of them all.
Here is the photo.
Yep. This is what we made. It's not that shabby of a playground. I would still go on it.
Well, please give some feedback on this post. That's all for now. T.J, Out!

Come Dine With Me : Home Learning Post

Which of the millions of Celebrities would you choose to invite to a dinner with you? That's what I'm here to answer. if you had to choose your favorite Celebrities to dinner, who would it be and where would it be? I would choose Jack White from the White Stripes, Michael Jordan and Jon Richardson.

Dear Jack White,
I invite you to dine with me because I am a super big fan of you, and I have had the chance to invite you  to have dinner with me. Please accept my humble invite to dine with me at sal's pizza riccarton, Michael Jordan and Jon Richardson will be there. 10th of August 6.30

Dear Michael Jordan,
I invite you to dine with me because I am a giant fan of you, and I have had the chance to invite you  to have dinner with me. Please accept my humble invite to dine with me at sal's pizza riccarton, Jack White and Jon Richardson will be with us as well. 10th of August 6.30

Dear Giannis,
I invite you to dine with me because I am a giant fan of you, and I have had the chance to invite you  to have dinner with me. Please accept my humble invite to dine with me at sal's pizza riccarton, Jack White and Michael Jordan will meet us there as well. 10th of August 6.30

Thursday, August 15, 2019

It's Maths Week Again!

In Rimu class, we have been doing Maths Week again! Maths Week is where we have a series of projects that we can choose to make using the materials that were given to us and construct them for their purposes. Me and my friend are making a playground but we haven't gotten very far though.

This is what our plan looks like.

And this is what we have made so far...
Yeah, it's not much but it's gonna' look good when it's complete. Well that's all I have to say for now. T.J, Out!

Friday, August 9, 2019

EPro8 Competition

Hello fellow Bloggers!
I'm back with another exciting post from YMS Rimu Class!
Today's Blog Post is going to be about our EPro8 Competition!

For those of you who don't know what EPro8 is, It's a competition where you build a challenge to score points and has to work properly. You have to follow the instructions or you don't get the points.

Everyone got a ball that we opened and had our selected challenge inside. We seemed to be the only team that had a different challenge from everyone else.

We had to make a rat wheel.

At the end, we had hands so grey, that they looked like we had shaded them in with a pencil.
We came last. Overall it was really fun! If you have any questions, please give me some feedback.
That's all for now. T.J, Out!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Probability DLO

In Rimu class, we have been learning how to deal with Probability. Prbability is probably the easiest part of maths, that we steamed right through it! Teachers, Please give us something harder next time. This is my work from the past week.

If you have any questions about Probability, please send me some feedback.
That's all for now! T.J, Out!

Friday, August 2, 2019

Some more Lego Ideas

Hello fellow Bloggers!
I'm back with another exciting post from YMS Rimu Class!
Today's Blog Post is going to be about some more Lego Ideas!

This one will have a lot more than last time. I promise!
Some of these you might already know about. Others might be new to you.
Comment down below some other things you might know about.

Hope you like them.
This one I have done and is really cool. And the best part is it actually works!

These next two are from a YouTuber Called LionBricks. They have a whole bunch more of where that came from! Go check 'em out!

This build is personally my favorite one so far! I once tried to build a truck like this. Never worked out.
 That's all I have to say for now. Please send me some feedback on this post. Comment down below your ideas. Blog you later!

Thursday, August 1, 2019

8 Home Learning Post

8 is the answer. but what is the question? That's what i'm here to figure out today. There are multiple ways of this being you answer. like : 4 + 4 = 8. But that's too plain. Think outside the box.

16/2 = 8
800/100 = 8
80/10 = 8
40/5 = 8
800 - 792 = 8
4000000/500000 = 8

Those are all I can think of. Bye!